Saturday, October 07, 2017

What are your plans for Columbus Day?

The Deputy Assistant Director of CIA for Korea Mission Center said on Wednesday:

"I told my own staff, October 10 is the Korean Workers Party founding day. That's Tuesday in North Korea, but that's Monday -- Columbus Day holiday in the U.S. -- so stand by your phones."
The following evening the Moron held a gathering of U.S. military types at the Pennsylvania Avenue Kremlin. With a ghoulish wink,

Trump told the assembled carpel tunnel afflicted wretches,

“You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.

“Could be the calm before the storm,” Mr. Trump repeated, stretching out the phrase, a sly smile playing across his face. (NYT)

Oh yes, at this point in time the American soul
gathers its forces for the good of man
but it has memories.
Henry Adams denied this, & he was right
but for the few the place is crawling with ghosts
like lice in a pan.

When will the fire be turned on? and by whom?
heating the memory & soul alike
until both crisp.
Not soon, I wonder, but in some lead-shielded room
mistakes are being made like the Third Reich
perhaps, I lisp.

Poem by John Berryman, 8:22 a.m., 4 July 68