Sunday, November 25, 2018

Baker Mayfield, Cleveland's new King-lite won another game for the "Browns" today over rival Cincinnati. Clueless Hue Jackson, Mayfield's head coach in Cleveland this year and Cleveland's burden for three years took a job with Cincinnati when the "Brown" shit-canned him just a few weeks ago. The former pupil and coach met after the game and this was the interaction.

I have watched that a few times and but for the headlines I would not have taken note of anything unusual. Baker shook Jackson's hand without a hail-fellow-well-met and apparently eschewed a bro-hug when Jackson appears to have initiated one. I really didn't think anything of it.

However Baker proved the professional body language writers correct and proved me wrong for in his post-game remarks to the media Mayfield acknowledged that he didn't want to get all huggie-kissie with Hue:

"Left Cleveland, goes down to Cincinnati," Mayfield said when asked about his feelings about his former coach. "I don't know. That's just somebody that's in our locker room asking for us to play for him and then goes to a different team we play twice a year. Everybody can have their spin on it, but that's how I feel."

That's it for drama in the NFL today.