Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Remember that moment?
Trump hardly looks human there.
Like a big orange blow-up toy, or
some mutant lower animal. 

                                                                                   Extraordinary photograph of Emmanuel Macron.
                                                                                   Contrast Macron's look of sharp, penetrating,                                                                                            intelligence with Trump's open-mouthed                                                                                                  obtuseness

Hey French! You don't like Macron, right? Have I got a deal for you! I and 65,845,062 of my closest friends will trade that Orange Baboon to Emmanuel's right, the Orange Baboon's vice-Baboon, his entire fucking cabinet and 62,980,160 other Low-Life "alleged" human beings, America's Worst and Dumbest, including two brothers of the undersigned, to you for that ONE GUY, Emmanuel Macron.