Friday, November 30, 2018

Russia Joins Rest of World in Trolling Trump

A spokesperson for the Kremlin on Thursday said [Trump's] cancellation would free up time "for useful meetings."

"I think that likely President Trump and his advisors realized that meeting with Putin would create increased liabilities for President Trump, considering his performance in Helsinki," said Mark Simakovsky, a former Russia country director in the Department of Defense.

[Oh my God. That is brilliant.]

Russian senator Konstantin Kosachev suggested that Trump may have delivered Russia a foreign policy victory. He cited the language the president used in his post on Twitter. "Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting," the president wrote.

Kosachev wrote that, because the ships are in Russia-occupied Ukraine, Trump's statement that the ships are in Russia "is nothing but a long-awaited recognition. This is already an alarming signal for Kiev, and not for Moscow."

[Ha Ha!]