Saturday, April 11, 2020

Trump Epidemic April 11, 8:36 p.m.

527,111: Total number of people infected with Trump Virus.

30,576: Number of people infected with Trump Virus today. That is a DROP  of over 3,500 cases from yesterday! DO IT AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN! LOWER! LOWER! That is the lowest number of new daily cases since April 6.

20,506: Total number of people Killed by Trump.

1,920: Number of people Killed today by Trump--almost 200 fewer than yesterday!

3.89%: Trump Kill efficiency. Still rising.

31,424: Number of people Recovered from Trump Virus.

2,634: Number of people Recovered today, 700 more than passed away. That means today there were 700 fewer patients for the medical care professionals. (I have not compared these previously so I don't know if that is an improvement. However, it is GOOD.)

1.53-1: Ratio of people Recovered from Trump to people Killed by Trump. That is two one-hundredths lower (worse) than yesterday, statistically meaningless. That ratio rises and falls erratically.

+'s and -'s this was a day with optimism. OVER 3,500 FEWER INFECTIONS! That is the Big Enchilada. You can't kill who you don't infect. This validates the cautious optimism of the last few days and gives great hope that this is not a one day aberration. 3,500 fewer cases is nothing to sneeze at (PUN INTENDED). This has got to be sustained for it to be meaningful. Day after day after day, we need 14 todays in a row.