Friday, June 26, 2020

“Every time you call a Democratic consultant he’s on a conference call. The Never Trumpers don’t do conference calls; they’re out there attacking!”-James Carville

...Democratic strategists believe this is a low-water mark for Trump and expect a tightening of the race as the election gets closer. 

There you go! That's the difference between Democratic strategists and Never Trump strategists. Democrats are "traumatized" by 2016. They have no confidence. They stand face-to-face staring Optimism in the face and they blink. They fear fear. They're too nice. Cerebral. Cool. Dignified. Now listen to me...Or not, it's up to you, I didn't mean to be giving you orders. Donald Trump is DONE. With a margin of error of live boy/dead girl, Trump is DEAD. He has given up. What you should do is DIG UP HIS BODY AND KILL HIM AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN 'CAUSE HE DIDN'T DIE HARD ENOUGH! You, Democratic strategists, should be smelling rotting flesh in the water and circling it and gnashing at it with a killer's instinct! Instead, you're acting as Resurrectionists tossing him that"low-water mark" life line! "DON'T GIVE UP DONALD! Things can only get better for you. AND WORSE FOR US! We don't think you're really dead, not dead-dead. We won't kill you dead anymore. You just lie there and relax. Would you like some water? One hand or two hands?"

How dare you! Democratic strategists should be chortling, taunting, dancing on the grave, digging Trump up and mutilating his body, playing soccer with his skull. That's what George Conway and the Lincoln Project dudes (and dudettes) are duding. George posted an electoral map showing that based on the latest state polls if the election were held today Biden would win Texas, Mississippi and over 400 EV's.

Why is LP doing that? Oy vey. To use Dem language, "your thoughts become your reality, snowflake." If you don't have the confidence that you can do something you're prolly not going to do it. 

In a different tongue: The body rots from the head down. LP has waged psy op warfare on the Orange Orangutan and they've have taken that motherfucker's soul; they have taken the faith and fight out of the Trumpbags. Both are depressed, demoralized--they have given up. Too bad because We accept no surrender! We shoot prisoners! That's how you handle a bully. Churchill corrected a general who minuted him that he was going to defeat one of Hitler's armies. "I think the word you're looking for is CRUSH!" That should be our attitude. We should be cackling and strutting and further humiliating and hitting that lifeless corpse harder and faster! This isn’t going to be a repeat of 2016. I don’t see a world where Democrats take their foot off the gas. The stakes are just too high. This is not going to be a repeat of 2016, not even close. Biden will win and win handily. But...when exactly have the Dems had the pedal to the metal? They're intent on making this Olympics electioneering by building in a degree of difficulty. When Biden wins...No, when Biden is inaugurated the Democratic strategists will go "That was hard! Ja see that back flip off the step-over-toe hold?"