Friday, June 26, 2020


Whilst we continue to batter TrumPunk prudence requires us to plan for the transition from Trump World to World Without Trump. Which type of facility? Incarcerative only? Cum torture? Along those lines Guantanamo inevitably comes to mind. We must needs begin recruit suitable rapemates. What should the screening of volunteers be?

For Cucky Kushner, I'm thinking his father's former prison. He'd be a legacy!

The People must not be deprived of their justice on Ivanka. Thoughts?

Barr? Put him in with Cucky? Pence? So many former people so little time.

The Trail of Beers for the Trumpbags: Oy vey, this is a logistical nightmare. Should it start in the South and end in Idaho? Two, three, four or more razor wire-topped chain link fenced areas? We have to plan for 60M, maybe fewer but we must plan. I think in the South. States that border on the gulf. Cut down on fencing. Could you fit 60M people in Alabama? Oh wait! No, Florida is the obvious venue. NO fencing. Start them in the Keys and move up the fecal log as necessary.

We have a lot to do.