Thursday, June 25, 2020

Trump Epidemic

We have already, with three and one-half hours to go, set a new record for Cases in a day today: 39,327. The previous record was yesterday. And the record before that the day before.


What must be going through the mind of Donald Trump? Not a facetious question. In Phoenix on Tuesday, when we logged 33,730 new cases he said that the virus "was going away." A week or so ago he told Fox that the virus "was fading away."

Is he told? Also not a facetious question. Months ago there was a report that the intelligence community stopped telling him that Russia was interfering in the election because he just got angry and didn't want to hear it.

Somebody, I don't remember now who, had to barge into the Oval Office back in February and shout in his face that the virus was real, was spreading, and was really dangerous. When he wanted to open the country in time for Easter church services Kellyanne Conway went to him and pointblank told him if he does that he will be blamed for every death that happens after that. Can Kellyanne not tell him? His chief of staff?

He's watching the news now, he does every day from about 8 pm to midnight. How can he miss it on TV? What, does he just keep switching the channel when the subject comes up? I don't think these last two days he avoid it by constantly switching the channel.

You have to assume that with his staff and his TV addiction that he knows.

Does he have one of those minds where he just walls it off? That although he knows, it's in this private corner of this part of his brain. and when he speaks, to Fox, in Tulsa, in Phoenix, he draws on a public-speaking part of his brain that is completely walled off and which can't access the information in the private part? Like the Iraqi Information Minister?

Assume what seems to be CW, that he's a narcissist and pathological liar (not difficult assumptions). A narcissist is somebody who only cares about himself, right? Okay, then how is publicly stating that the coronavirus is "fading away" or "going away" in the narcissist's interest?--the only thing that matters to him! "Pathological lying is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain." Well, there is personal gain at stake in Trump's lying about coronavirus--if the virus really was going away, if he had done a "great" job in making it go away, if he could convince people of that then he would have a better chance at getting reelected!