Sunday, June 21, 2020


There were fewer than 6,200 Trumpbags in 19,199 seat BOK Center in Tulsa last night, that's 68% empty. But rather than the Sign from God that Trump was going down, AOC and others convincingly refuted that and claimed it was prankster TikTok'ers, K-pop Spans and Zoomers. Which, if I'm Trump's campaign manager is the excuse I want to save my job, and my life. But no, this is the Trump campaign, where damaged brains start at the top and go all the way down:

Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, issued a statement Sunday morning pushing back against reports that some TikTok users and K-pop fans had sought to sabotage the rally by reserving tickets they didn’t plan to use.

The campaign had weeded out “tens of thousands” of bogus cellphone numbers ahead of the rally, Parscale said, but “these phony ticket requests never factor into our thinking” for possible crowd size.

“The fact is that a week’s worth of the fake news media warning people away from the rally because of COVID and protestors, coupled with recent images of American cities on fire, had a real impact on people bringing their families and children to the rally." [T]he episode “makes us wonder why we bother credentialing media for events when they don’t do their full jobs as professionals.”

Thank you, Brad. No truly, thank you. With you in charge, this campaign'll turn around lickedy split!
(dumb as a bag of rocks those motherfuckers dumb as a fucking bag of rocks)