Tuesday, June 30, 2020

motherfucking cocksucking sonofa fucking bitch What the fuck is going on here?!

This morning, almost exactly 12 hrs ago, I screenshotted Hopkins' cumulative total Cases and Deaths.

This is the screenshot now:
In 12 hours the total cumulative cases of Trump Virus DECLINED by 53,628! Total Deaths declined by 2,223! Were the Resurrectionists at work in the last 12 hours?! NO explanation from Hopkins. Just as there had been no explanation for hours from WaPo on the unfathomable spike in Deaths on June 25.

When you are the source that everyone checks for these raw stats, and Johns Hopkins is the go-to site, it is completely irresponsible to post inaccurate numbers, doubling devastating to trust when impossibly the Cases and Deaths you post go DOWN, and significantly; and triply irresponsible, inexplicable, that you would not provide an explanation for the impossible. America doesn't work anymore; we can't even count, and the sources I have used, starting with Johns Hopkins and going to the New York Times and the Washington Post, are the most trusted sources for facts on anything in the entire country. And you still don't get an answer. What do you do, give up? I don't know. I don't fucking know.