Thursday, June 25, 2020

“Joe Biden Frightens Donald Trump”-David Axelrod

That is a VERY interesting article and does what I like so much, really rips a text open and gets deep inside.

Trump in Tulsa:

“If the Democrats gain power, then the rioters will be in charge and no one will be safe and no one will have control. Joe Biden is not the leader of his party. Joe Biden is a helpless puppet of the radical left."

The lines he appeared to ad-lib about Biden next were unintentionally revealing.

"He's not radical left. I don't think he knows what he is anymore, but he was never radical left. But he's controlled by the radical left, and now he's really controlled."

“Appeared to ad lib”: I was under the distinct impression almost nothing Trump said at these rallies was pre-prepared, by him or anyone else. But okay I’ll accept this guy’s close look.

I am not getting how that ads up to Trump “fearing” Biden:

...why he feared Biden so much that he bought himself an impeachment trying to dirty up the former Vice President....

Hmm. I’ll play along but to conscience satisfaction, no, I don’t think that is true.

...his comments on Saturday underscored both why he fears Biden and what line of attack he will attempt to use...
Trump's acknowledgment that Biden is not "radical left," was an admission that to try to paint the former VP as extreme was a losing proposition. So instead, Trump will try to portray Biden as the addled, doddering tool, too weak to resist the gravitational pull of the Left.

As this guy writes Trump has always said Biden would be his strongest opponent. I’m fixating on “fear” because the writer fixates on feat and I just don’t see how believing X would be your strongest opponent=fear of that opponent. Trump has a plan of attack, a bad one as the writer says, but a plan.

Trump had nothing to fear from Biden, as the writer also says, Trump was going to win the election, until the virus, the economy, and the protests. It is only Trump’s missteps that I and X-2 and Maggie Haberman and Peter Boyle and others have noticed that have dug him in this impossibly deep hole, his political grave. To the point that Trump’s own aides mused about self-destructiveness as an explanation. X-2 and I each independently thought Tulsa would be a disaster for Trump. It was. That calling in the military at the White House protests was a grave mistake. It was. That Trump’s coronavirus briefings were the death of him. They were. The bible school self-perp walk. The baby steps down the ramp at West Point, the serial use of two hands to drink wa-wa from his sippy cup; Bumker Boy, on and on and on. And all this year, all since the twin nightmares of the virus he mocked and dismissed as recently as last week (“fading away,” today a record number of cases) and in Tulsa Saturday (“kung flu”), and the protests. Joe Biden hasn’t done shit, it has been all Trump. The only thing Trump had to fear was Trump himself.