Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Epidemic of Trump

The best news is that it will be over November 3. This counts as good news:
No, not the whole thing, this little part:

The Cases seven-day average line peaked on July 19 (July 13-19) and has declined slightly the last two days, i.e. July 14-20 and July 15-21. It's a little good news.

This is bad news:
The whole thing is bad news since it's Deaths but it has been particularly bad in that the seven-day average has risen steadily since the June 30-July 6 period. seven-day average period. It is now higher than it has been at since June 6 (May 31-June 6).

The CW is that Deaths lag behind Cases by a minimum of fourteen days so today's reported Deaths are likely from July 7 and earlier, back to say a month, June 21 (June 15-21). Cases were comparatively modest from June 15-July 7. The Cases python started swallowing a wildebeest whole on July 7 (July 1-7). Maybe the nose of the wildebeest has been digested as this point. The bulk of the wildebeest, July 8 (July 2-8) through July 21 (July 15-21) will get fully digested in spasms and bites between July 16-August 15. We are early in wildebeest digestion.

We can expect the Deaths seven-day average to rise significantly, I am tempted to say dramatically, until August 15 at least. That's really bad. And in support of that logical prediction current reported total Deaths are now almost at 143,000; according to Hopkins precisely 142,942. Almost exactly 23 hours ago I screenshot Hopkins total: 141,972, Trump has already killed perhaps close to 1,000 today, July 22,  after setting a recent high daily high of 1,127 July 21. What time is it? 9:14. Trump has got time to hit 143,000 before midnight. Hope he misses it but the seven-day average is going to rise once the July 22 reported Deaths are graphed. For what it is worth Chief WaPo has more Deaths reported today than yesterday.

It's pretty goddamned uniformly bad. Using Hopkins data about half of total deaths so far are attributed directly to Trump's "boredom," his dismissal of science, his touting of quack remedies, his recommendation that we inject a small nuclear reactor into our bodies, to his general, pathological non compos mentis, so over 70,000, per the Lincoln Project. Today he recommended as our patriotic duty that we wear masks but he declined to mandate that. For Trump that was a good step, criminally belated but good. But he is still hell-bent on reopening. That's bad. The Democrats won't impeach him now for this crime against the American people and the 70,000+ deaths he has directly and deliberately caused, but he should be criminally prosecuted for intentional manslaughter once he leaves office.