Saturday, November 21, 2020

255,823 Killed by Donald J. Trump, Illegitimate

Which is the near equal, in fact almost the exact, population of Lubbock, Texas, the birth place of Buddy Holly and our stand-in death place for over a quarter-million others. Lubbock is the 86th-largest city in America.

1,878 Killed yesterday, Nov. 20. This is the last full day of the reporting week, as reminder. Tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday the numbers will nosedive. The first four days of this reporting week have already made it a banner week for Trump. While he was losing over 30 lawsuits, including a biggie in Pennsylvania today, 7,300 people have lost their lives. When today's numbers are added in he'll have Killed ~9,000 in five days. Nice! Just eyeballing Hopkins' graph this five-day cluster will be Trump's best shootin' since May 5-9. It's an awful thing to look at, really. The four days so far look like a robust beast rearing up out of fire.

195,542 Infections yesterday. So close to the 200k Dr. Fauci predicted we could see months ago.

It is getting worse, far worse, Trump isn't doing anything about it, of course, and +'s and -'s, as I wrote just a couple days ago, you ain't seen nothin' yet. There are exactly sixty days until a real man takes charge. We're heading into Winter, into the holidays, people will ignore CDC's plea not to travel, they will not mask up or social distance. It is going to be a Black Christmas.