Friday, November 13, 2020

Biden Wins GA, Clown NC; All States Final; Biden 306 EV's Clown 232

Biden so far 50.9% Clown 47.4%. 

I was hoping Joe would get more EV's than Trump did in the Catastrophe and he did, 306-304. 

Joe also +5.5M in pop. vote (and that will only climb), almost double HRC's +2.86.

Biden needed to flip three states, he flipped five and that was that.

In the Northeast there is a blue wall from Maine down through Virginia comprising twelve states and going as far West as Pennsylvania. Ohio and Indiana are red gaps and then the blue picks up in the Midwest with Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. South and West of Virginia it is all red except for the Georgia island until you hit the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. There it is a red island, Utah, that is surrounded by blue in the middle and southern mouuntain states. All of the Left Coast is blue. There is a Wall along the Mexico border, but it's blue, and more complete than Trump's beaded curtain ended up being, stopping at Texas.