Wednesday, November 25, 2020

261,971, Oh God

Yep. 2,146 were recorded by Johns Hopkins Killed Nov. 24. More than double Nov. 23rd's 918. You can't explain, and shouldn't try to understand that as anything beyond 1) those are dead people 2) Their Deaths were recorded and reported out by Hopkins on Nov. 23 in the one and Nov. 24 on the other 3) 2,146 is the most recorded/reported Killed by Hopkins since May 6. Maybe the recorders and reporters at Hopkins were getting as much as they could get out before they broke for Thanksgiving. Maybe they took today off. We'll see when today's stats are reported tomorrow. Tomorrow's, Thanksgiving's, stats will be reported on Black Friday, Nov. 27. Thanksgiving's stats will be a fraction of yesterday's.

The New York Times' 14-day average is a far better map of the stretch of road we've been on and the percent increase in Deaths has exceeded that of Cases, as is expected as Deaths trail Cases by two-four weeks. We have seen exponential increases in Cases in November. It is now Nov. 25, ergo:

Cases are up 43% in the last two weeks; hospitalizations are up 48%; and Deaths are up 61%. As President-elect Biden said today we have "a long, hard winter" on the road ahead.