Thursday, November 26, 2020

They Worked Yesterday!

The counters at Johns Hopkins were busy as beavers yesterday, logging (oh, nice dooblay there)

2,297 Deaths while the lame quack Manslayer in chief was pardoning Flim Flam Flynn and other turkeys. Wow. 2,297 in one day. Dear God. The Nov. 23-25 trifecta looks, and is, nearly identical to May 4-6's:

May 4-6                                                                  Nov. 23-25

Which is not good! In fact, if you flip the May-November graph 180 degrees horizontally... get a virtually indistinguishable symmetrical image. Which is not good 't'all! Fuck, that is crazy.
181,490 Cases November 25 per the Johnnies. The 14-day changes per the Quasi's, formerly the Ex-Quasi's:

+38% Cases
+46% Hospitalizations
+57% Deaths

I will still be extremely surprised if Thanksgiving's stats are anywhere near this high. Johnnies gotta have turkey and punkin' pie too.