Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Body Count: 248,468

The Body Count tonight is brought to you by Republican Mortuary Services, the longest continued underwriter of program. Republican Mortuary Services: with locations in all 3,141 counties. Visit us at the location nearest you. Or call 800-Red Dead, that's 800-733-3323.

Good eve-en-ing. Tonight it is my solemn duty to report to the nation that The Body Count from TrumPlague has now exceeded the entire population of Gilbert, Arizona, the 90th city by population in the United States. Gilbert was named "Best City for Business" in Arizona in 2019. RMS is a business. Therefore, I take pride in the words,"Ich bin ein Gilberter."

Only 758 human personages were sent to our Gilbert outlet on Nov.16 and a mere 616 on Sunday, Nov. 15. These low numbers are however an artifact of weekend reporting lags. We expect that when tonight's body count is complete we will be able to report a new 1,000+ corpses. Business is booming.

Our business fundamentals look robust indeed for at least the next two months. Deaths are up 40% in the last two weeks. New daily Infections of TrumPlague were lower Monday and Sunday, also due to reporting lag but nonetheless were still spectacular: 158,453 new Cases were reported Monday, with 133,045 reported on Sunday. New Cases are up 82% in the last two weeks. Hospitalizations, people's last stop before coming to us, are a market indicator that we look at eagerly, and they have increased an astounding 46% over the 14-day period, Nov.3-16. Our market projections predict boom days ahead for at least the next 64 days and now if you will excuse me I have to change my underwear. Join us tomorrow night for another edition of The Body Count, presented by Republican Mortuary Services.