Saturday, November 28, 2020


That's the cumulative number Killed by TrumPlague. That is more than the entire population of Jersey City, the 80th largest city in America.

1,406 Dead were reported out on Nov. 27, a little more than on Nov. 26, way lower than the recent high on Nov 25 of 2,297, long Thanksgiving recording lag is my best, semi-educated guess.

205,557 new cases reported on Nov. 27! A new record. Remember when Dr. Fauci predicted 200k daily cases? Well, we hit it and then some for the first time today. 

Interestingly, the NYT 7-day Cases line, which flattens the daily jags, has been down the last two days, iterations covering Nov. 15-26 and Nov 16-27. The Times' 14-day changes, which doubles the look:

+17% Cases.

+40% Hospitalizations.

+36% Deaths.

Somebody can make a liar out of me but I do believe those are lessened increases than the past couple of iterations But the 205,557, +'s and -'s, in two-four weeks you're going to see that mass move through the belly of the beast and get evacuated as a new all-time daily high in corpses, sure as shootin', just in time for Christmas.