Friday, March 26, 2021

Sorry, there is something I have been meaning to post since Wednesday afternoon but haven't been able to "fit in" to another post, and wasn't sure it deserved a whole separate post itself. That it bothers me more than 48 hours later is justification enough.

Generally, I do not like a successful candidate for the presidency criticizing his disgraced predecessor for the "mess" he inherited. Everybody does it! It's just how I feel. Dude, then why'd you run? That's what I think. COVID/the economy, that is President Biden's problem now. Every fucking shit puddle your disgraceful predecessor stepped in is now yours. If you didn't break it and you don't fix it you own it. That's the rule. 

There are exceptions! President Obama was eminently justified in railing against Shrub and the Great Recession that was bequeathed him. Because: the fucking Great Recession (technically December 2007-June 2009) did not burst into public and political consciousness until the collapse of Lehman Bros, Sept. 15, 2008. Right at the end of the presidential campaign. John McCain, in fact, suspended his campaign and flew back to Washington. The point here is that Barack Obama had no fucking idea he was signing up for the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression when he announced his candidacy on Feb. 10, 2007. Motherfucker had been campaigning for nineteen months before the thing exploded. What's he going to do, pull out? "Oh, I thought, bring the boys home, I thought this was a decent time to be president. Later." So that's the exception. The rule is I don't like "waving the bloody flag" at opponents of wars past. The better writerly practice is to make your fucking point between enunciation of your rule and the exceptions. Less confusing to readers. And so now, out of order, to the point of this post.

I watched the entirety of President Biden's first ever press conference. He mentioned the name of his disgraced predecessor and the misdeeds of same a number of times. In fairness, all that I can remember were responsive answers to questions asked of him. He didn't start the fucking press conference pointing at a picture of Trump and yelling "WITCH!" That said in fairness, this in honesty: I noticed it the first time he did it and instantaneously didn't like it. In further fairness, he was asked about immigration, the conditions on the Southern Border, and had to explain how the Disgraced One changed the rules that had been in place and didn't enforce longstanding law or policy. In honesty, I still didn't like it.

In my view (it's my rule and my exception) the Obama Exception does not apply to President Biden. The immigration actions of the Disgraced have been meticulously and long-chronicled. They were, in fact, his campaign signature from the time he announced at the bottom of the fake gold escalator in 2015. Everything that Trump did was telegraphed ahead of time and announced in an ALL CAPS tweet followed by an ! Including at the time Joe Biden announced his candidacy. They are in fact the reason Joe threw his hat in. So the Obama Exception for sandbagging does not apply. Therefore, I didn’t like POJO bringing up the Disgraced’s name. 

I cannot say that this has been worth it, this writhing, this writing, and I cannot say that over 48 hours later this subject warrants a post of this length, but it is what I wanted to say and the way I wanted to say it. Later.