Friday, March 19, 2021

Human Rights

As a proud member of humanity all of my life I have always liked human rights. I don’t like many people and tend to “discriminate” based on likeability. I hang with those I do and don’t with those I don’t. As a consequence, I live alone and seldom go out.

I don’t like the Russian people and wouldn’t want to hang with them. I don’t like the Chinese government people (although I have liked every individual Chinese person I have met).

United States government people don’t like Russian government people or Chinese government people but they continue to hang with Russian and Chinese government people. Why do they do that? Do they have to?

If, for some reason, you want to hang with a person you don’t like, or you have to hang with them for some reason, it is not a good idea to begin a hanging out with something like, “Judge, the last time I was here I moved to disqualify you for callous disregard of the human rights of my client.” I have found this to be a universal rule of hanging out with judges, whether volitional or forced.

Why do we begin every goddamned meeting with Chinese government humans with the human rights reasons we don’t like them, as we did yesterday? Do we think in this 1,098th meeting between Chinese government types and American government types that we’re finally going to get through to the Chinese and they’re going to say, “Okay, we’ll change in human rights in the way you want us to so that you like us.”? If we expected that—and I would not have—it didn’t happen yesterday nor has it happened in the previous 1,097 meetings. Rather, it required the translator to spend seventeen minutes just translating the Chinese human’s rebuttal to our human rights reasons why we don’t like Chinese government types. It all played out for the public on the electronic TV machine. “I’m okay, you’re an asshole,” now let’s negotiate a trade deal.” That would be ineffective on me as an individual human. 

Except for Franklin D. Roosevelt every American president has disliked Russian humans. Yet, we continue to hang with them. We continue to bring up human rights. They respond with “And you lynch Negroes”. Why was that a good idea? I don’t know how many U.S. presidents have liked Chinese presidents but it doesn’t seem many, or we don’t like them a lotta lot but we keep hanging with them and keep bringing up human rights reasons we don’t like them at the beginning of the hanging out. They responded yesterday with “You don’t respect the human rights of Black Lives Matter humans.” I wouldn’t do either of those but if I did the first I wouldn’t do the second. 

No, we don’t keep bringing up human rights with Russians or Chinese because we think we’re going to change their minds, we do it because, “ooh, it’s our values, we have to stand up for our values ooh..” I respect that. We have a condition, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, a Tourette’s like thing where we just Whoop! Human rights, human rights! and can’t resist doing it. Fine! We recognize it as counter-productive, we have decided to not take our pills, so could we just. do. one. thing? Decide beforehand if we dislike other humans so much that we don’t want to hang with them at all—and if so avoid the Tourette’s trigger of hanging with them—Or, upon taking inventory of those other humans, decide we like them and hang with them, thus avoiding Tourette’s. As only one human, I would do that.