Sunday, March 21, 2021


14-day changes

-9% Cases.
-17% Hospitalizations.
-40%(!) Deaths. I don't know if any category has ever before fallen by 40%+ in two weeks. That is just phenomenal.

7-day daily averages (through March 20 unless indicated)

54,949 Cases. Up. Stubborn thing, this virus.

40,345 Hospitalizations. Down.
1,084 Deaths. Down
2,488,734 Vax (through March 21). Up.
2.68%. Down, way down over the March 14-20 iteration. The rate in 46-1's last week was 2.43%.

Daily numbers (March 20 unless indicated)

-Sunday is a reporting lag day-

54,631 Cases. Down.
39,333 Hospitalizations. Down.
773 Deaths. Down. Down by more than half. That's not real. That's just the last day of the full reporting week compared to the first reporting lag day. 
3,039,915 Vax (March 21). Down, believe it or not.

Grade A