Friday, March 19, 2021


14-day changes

–13% Cases.
–19% Hospitalizations
–28% Deaths

7-day daily averages (through March 18 unless indicated)

54,740 Cases. Down.
40,980 Hospitalizations. Down.
1,265 Deaths. Up
2,455,116 Vax (March 19). Down.
3.08% D-H rate. Up

Dailies (March 18 unless indicated)

60,859 Cases. Up
40,568 Hospitalizations. Down.
1,558 Deaths. Up.
2,583,810 Vax (March 19). Down.

Cases have plateaued since Feb. 21, almost a full month.

The virus is stubborn. Hospitalizations have curved more level since their free fall. Deaths have been herky-jerky, but clearly, down. Vaccinations are bipolar, huge spikes and deep troughs.

Grade C. Bad day to end a good week for POJO.