Tuesday, March 30, 2021


*Updated. Quasi's, why do I have to fucking update a post published at 7:49 pm(!) because you change your stats? What is going on at your COVID desk? Your numbers obviously are not reliable. Why do you publish preliminary numbers at all? Why not just print them when the fucking day's done? Fucking idjits. 

Folks, I don't know what I'm going to do. Longtimers will remember I used to use three sources, WaPo, Hopkins, and the Times. Sounded like three Reliables to me! Then, I forget why,—Oh, I remember, they had one of those ginormous data spikes with no explanation. I went to the Times and the Johnnies and there was an explanation, a data dump by some state— and I lost faith in WaPo. I used the Times for all but the dailies, which I based on the Johnnies, because I didn’t like the Johnnies 5-day trends. I knew by that time that there were two days of reporting lag every week so it made no sense to use a 5-day when I could a 7-day. I finally ditched the Johnnies because I didn’t like using a different database for only one metric. But I have increasingly questioned the Times' numbers, calling them out as "bullshit" repeatedly, as I did again tonight. Second screed for the day.

So, I went back to the New York Times to read their exclusive on Grand Old Predator Gaetz and noticed their COVID box. Cases +18%. Didn't I just...So I got on Ye Olde Publocc and...Yes, I did, I posted Cases were +19%, which percentage I took directly from the Quasi-Official New York Times at the ungodly early hour of 7:49 pm...Oh my God, now (9:47 pm) I see that they changed their 7-day average for Cases, too, lowering it...And (9:50 pm)--I give up--the daily Cases number, raising it 600. I've made the changes below.

7:49 pm:

As you can see that is a pretty steep rise there.

14-day changes

And statistically Cases are +19% +18% (9:29 pm) over where they were a fortnight ago.
-4% Hospitalizations. H's have not been + yet, which pleasantly surprises me a bit.
-29% Deaths. On this most important category President Biden continues to kill it. On no other, just Deaths. On everything else he's getting killed.

7-day daily averages (through March 29 unless indicated)

65,385 65,315 Cases. Up.
39,897 Hospitalizations. Up.
995 Deaths. Up. Up by five per day but this now is the second straight iteration that Deaths have been up, minutely.
2.49% D-H rate. Flat. Second iteration it is flat. Unpleasantly surprises me with the yawning disparity between D's and H's over 14 days.

POJO's Bozo on today's test. He's gonna need vax to save him from a perfect 0. Oh no, what am I talking about. He's got two of the big three on the 14-day metric.

2,769,331. Vax (through March 30). Up. Oh! Speaking of which, I'm gonna be helping POJO out on Thursday. Gettin' my first vaccine. Great success.

Daily numbers (for March 29 unless indicated)

-Tuesday is the week's first full reporting day-

70,285 70,794 Cases. Up. The first full reporting day coming after the last reporting lag day does not explain this, however. According to NYT's stats Cases rose 25k overnight. No they didn't, that is utter bullshit, an epithet I have thrown at the Times dailies repeatedly recently. With complete justification! The numbers are obviously wrong even to a layman. I guess the Times doesn't get called on it, or if they do they just plead "Those are the numbers we got" but if the latter I would think the frigging New York Times would see this happening repeatedly and give their sources what for. They're just repeating nonsense if they don't explain and get to the bottom of obvious reporting error. Screed for the day.
40,317 Hospitalizations. Up.
685 Deaths. Up 300 over yesterday. No.
1,789,510 Vax. Down like 600k. I don't have enough experience working with the Vax numbers to know if they go through the same sink-or-swim cycle as the others. Just eyeballing the graph there is clear periodicity but why Vax would be down so drastically on a full reporting day I have no clue.

Grade F. It was POJO's worst ever performance on a daily test (43%).