Saturday, April 10, 2021

At the present moment per Johns Hopkins 561,758 Americans have been killed by COVID-19. Traditionally I have marked the number to the closest city size. Tonight that is the thirty-fourth largest city in the country, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, take a bow. Never mind, you can't, you're dead.

Another way that I have only on one occasion noted the number of dead is by relating it to those who died during the Spanish Flu pandemic in America. That number is ~675,000. On the previous occasion I did this I assumed 900 daily deaths from...une momento...Just yesterday? Yeah. I assumed 900 d.d.'s from April 9 forward. When would Spanish Flu Day be? Yesterday, with 560k total dead Spanish Flu Day was August 17 (This is also kinda like the opposite of Herd Immunity Day). Let's give it a grander title: Spanish Flu Conquest Day. (!) I like. Anyway, as of right now on April 10 we are 113,242 corpses short of SFCD. At 900/day the new SFCD is Aug. 14. We've accelerated three days. Toldja it was the opposite of HID. If HID had accelerated three days in one day I would be jumping up and down grabbing my genitals. As you can see I am not doing that; I'm grabbing an axe and breaking down the Quasi's door.