Saturday, July 17, 2021


It becomes our disagreeable duty to report at this particular juncture in the rent fabric of space time that Trump succubi hoping to become United States senators in MMXXII have not exactly grabbed registered Grand Old Phascist voters by the short hairs. "Mo" "Brooks", who ejaculates seed to mere thoughts of the Great Disgraced, has been out-fundraised 2.66-1 by his GOP primary opponent. 46-1's butt-Budd in Nawth C'lina has been out-raised 131% by his opponent. "Run Ron Run" Johnson of Wisconsin, despite that full-throated endorsement from the Disgraced, has yet to announce a run to reup, squeamish mebbe of getting his comeuppance by the Party of God nominee. Saddest of all, Eric Greitens, the Missouri Strangler, has raised less than three other Phascists running for the seat. It may be that the Strangler's universal name recognition in the Show Me state will, er trump, all and he will yet prevail in the crowded race, but we of the Party of God dare not rely on hope alone. We must come to the aid of the Strangler and thereby better our chances of winning the seat. (We got no shot in Bama even if it's "Mo".). In "America Needs" Pennsylvania GOP incum Pat Toomey has retired, an excellent opportunity for a POG pickup. Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman

leads the crowded pack with $2.5M, including $50 from the undersigned's treasury. 

POG incums are up in MMXXII in fo' "swing" states that POJO carried, New Hampshire, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia. 46-1's handpicked Silver Britch is Herschel Walker, who once ran the foo'bah for 46-1's pro team, the New Jersey "Generals". However, General Herschel, perhaps mindful of that experience, has not yet announced another "run" for 46-1. Meanwhile, his potential POG opponent, Senator Ralph Warnock, has a wee bit of a head start on him in fundraising with $7.2 mil locked and loaded. We need to persuade that running Dawg Herschel to "just do it" to get Ralph a six year term. "Generally," so to speak, in none of the four above-mentioned swings "has a dominant Republican candidate emerged to consolidate support from the party’s divergent wings."  What would "consolidate" the Phascists? Nuttin' like RUN TRUMP RUN! 

In New Hampshire and Nevada, if the scions of local Phascist royalty run, the POG incumbents are toast. Anyone with photographs of, or unimpeachable testimony about, Chris Sununu or Adam Laxalt with a live boy or a dead girl please forward to