Friday, July 23, 2021

Pursuit Successful

Text messages from my son late last night, and from me this morning.

Son: It’s true it's [the banter between my son and his Rocket League teammates] very much pool hall/golf course talk. And it’s so much fucking fun. Every night we end with, “good games. love you, jack. Love you, phil. 

“Love you too homie”

“Talk to you tomorrow”

It’s so special

Me: You end with “love yous” all around. Son, this is SPIRITUALLY invigorating. Tell Jack and Phil that I love them too. And of course I love you. That is so touching.

Son: I will tell them you said that. They know you, you’re the resident rocket league dad, they’re seen all the videos. I will tell them and I’ll go ahead and speak for them since I’ve heard them talk about you before and they’d say something like “dude. You dad is cool as shit bro.” Laugh break. “You’re both so emotionally invested it’s hilarious and awesome. Like you’re both old as fuck but it works” 

Something like that. 😂 

Keep in mind guys are 16-25 so I’m also a “resident dad” in a way. 

You’re actually the rocket league grandpa and I’m the dad lol

Son: We have had such a rich and fulfilling life as a family. Thinking about your RL videos, fucking Guild ES reaching out to me, the hoodie, the Panthers clip…man. As pessimistic as both you and I can be there is no denying how awesome our lives have turned out. These are special moment preserved in time, almost nobody gets this kind of attention and support. We are lucky. I am grateful. Love you. 

Me: It is sooo true. I always said I take adderall every day even weekends because I love life, I want MORE life, I want to be alert so I get everything there is to get from life. We have everything we need materially; you live in 200 sq feet, I live in a derelict condo in a derelict bldg. You drive an ancient Toyota; I drive a piece of shit Nissan made out of papier-mâché. I have all the money I need and give away what I don’t. The times we spend together, all we do is have fun and laugh—with or at each other. 😂 We have fun together in a psychiatrist’s office! We have fun in a hospital surgical waiting room! We have fun when we go to pick up my car and forget to pick it up! We live around the block from each other and can see one another anytime we want. As your friends say “it works,” our lives work, for us they work like a frigging precision, handcrafted Swiss watch. Our lives are dreams…FOR US!😂