Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Kremlin Papers

WaPo is casting doubt on the authenticity, and they with Guardian, got the Snowden documents.

But now we have to point out an earlier time that the Guardian had a big scoop on the question of Russian interference in the election. That was the November 2018 report that Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had traveled to London and met with Julian Assange at the Ecuadoran Embassy a few months before the release of material hacked by Russia on WikiLeaks, the outlet founded by Assange.

The lead reporter on that report was [Luke] Harding, also the lead reporter on the Kremlin document story.

I will say this: The WaPo reporter, Philip Bump, is correct that the Kremlin Papers are "neat," the implication being they are too neat. In other words, they dot every i, cross every t, including being signed by Putin himself. What are the chances that this incredibly top secret decision-making would be put in writing? Bump is also right that there is not anything new in what the Papers reveal the Kremlin did, or in the case of the kompromat on Trump, it is hidden in a secret appendix. The implication there is that you or I could have put the Kremlin Papers together after the fact and had them copied into Cyrillic.