Monday, August 02, 2021

The Free! Almost (but not 100%) Vaccine Against Getting (But Not Transmitting) COVID-19. (TAKE ONLY WITH MASK (mask not included)

A tale of two Summers.

Cases Summer 2020 before vaccines

Peak: July 22, 66,606

Cases Summer 2021 after vaccines

Peak (so far): August 1, 79,763

Hospitalizations Summer 2020 before vaccines

Peak: July 22, 73,058

Hospitalizations Summer 2021 after vaccines

Peak (so far): August 1, 45,298

Deaths Summer 2020 before vaccines

Peak: August 1, 1,229

Deaths Summer 2021 after vaccines

Peak: July 29, 321

As I characterized the data last night, CDC sheds credibility every time it asserts that "vaccines work" against COVID-Delta. Cases are up 19.75% with 70% of Americans vaccinated in the Summer of 2021 compared to the Summer of 2020 when no one was vaccinated. That is not some quirky stat, that is absolutely brutal. And cases are still rising in the Summer of 2021. CDC always caveated with "vaccines are not perfect" in guaranteeing 100% immunity from infection, but this is a bit more than the odd case here or there. 35,000/week symptomatic vaxed is not what the doctor ordered. You can characterize the symptomatic vaxed in whatever abstract terms you wish, "rare," fine, let's call them rare. By whatever name it's 35,000/week symptomatic vaxed. And "rare" is totally misleading when you take account of how contagious Delta is. It's not like I have to stick my dick in your ass and cum to get you infected with COVID-Delta. You really had to try to pass on your AIDS to someone else. With COVID-Delta you don't have to try. It's as contagious as chickenpox and more contagious than the common cold. If you could contract AIDS by going to the office and having an HIV+ coworker sneeze around you, would you go?

There is no scientist, physician, or immunologist that foresaw +19.75% with 70% vaccinations versus a time of literally no vaccinations. And at least as important, I would argue more so, this is not what the public understood about vaccinations. We were told, "Get vaxed, let it all hang out on the 4th." So, many of us did and Provincetown (Barnstable County) and San Francisco, and most demoralizing Santa Monica, are now badly infected and transmitting so quickly and widely that those touts about preventing vaccines preventing hospitalization may cause Dr. Walensky to put her walk-back shoes back on.

CDC's promotion of the vaccines at this moment is on solid footing on only one metric, and it is the Big Enchilada of metrics! There is zero doubt that the vaccines have prevented overstocked morgues. That is a BIG Big Enchilada, but "Get the vaccine and you won't get infected unless you're "rare", and won't get sick even if you are unless ditto and won't need to be hospitalized unless ----, but if you do get infected don't make out, if you do make out your make-out partner won't get real sick, we don't think, only a tiny few of your make-out partners will actually die, and don't sing or yell or cough around other people and you know what, WEAR A MASK, but rest assured, there is NO NEED to pick out your crypt" is just an unmarketable label to place on a product called "Miracle Vaccine."

The data has changed, Delta is a bear, the strategy had to change and it did, but CDC has got to get to the bottom of the ever-proliferating breakthrough infections and must level with the American people. If they hide the science from other scientists, if they are not reporting hospitalizations among the vaccinated accurately, their credibility is going to be shot. Admit mistake born of fear and uncertainty, recalibrate the vaccine advice, and likely the vaccines, and tell that to the American people in a spirit of confession and humility. This is all new for the scientists. Americans might forgive them. They might not, some certainly will not, but drop the blanket bullshit statements that the one and only key is vaccinations.