Tuesday, December 24, 2013


RE: Get rich quick.
Write book on CW or CR.

"Where is it?" Lincoln asked, leaning forward eagerly.
"I...I have it right here." Chase replied haltingly.
"Let me have it!" The President stretched his long arms toward Chase, his hands greedy for the prize.
Chase, taken aback and embarrassed by Lincoln's enthusiasm, reluctantly handed over the letter of resignation.
"Now, it's balanced out. I've got a pumpkin...It was a pumpkin, pumpkins, he had one on each side now. Where did he have them?  In pouches? What do you call those things on horses, saddle bags?...I've got a pumpkin on each side now."

Huh? I could do that! The Tall Man had his pumpkins, he was balanced. In every Lincoln biography, in every general history of the Civil War, there is that scene. They all come from one source, Secretary Welles' friggin diary. Did no one else document it? Chase? Who else was present? Had to be other people if the Secretary of the Navy was there. Hay? Nicolay? Stanton? What the hell was Poseiden doing there? Anyway, that's the story and they're stickin' to it. Have stuck to it.

There is an insatiable market in America for books on the Civil War. And, to my surprise, for first-hand memoirs of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I could write one of them, too. Now, if you could combine the two...

"They burst in and grabbed Uncle number 3 and took him away and we never saw him again. They tore at the shelves, at the walls, looking for hidden money, Nationalist documents, weapons. "Smash the Four Olds!" they shouted at the top of their lungs as they threw the antiques onto the floor, destroying them all, as mother and sister and I cried and screamed. They took all the books and piled them in a heap in the courtyard and made a bon fire.  Later, they came back for Brother number 2 and took him away. They now had a pumpkin in each pouch."