Thursday, December 19, 2013

Off we go into the wild blue yonder...

Angelic girl-child, keep decorating the tree and ignore daddy.

This is fly-boy Michael Carey who was United States Major General Michael Carey, in charge of the ...unitedstatesnucleararsenal.

Then Mikey went to Rus. And got drunk, vis (The below vis is taken from an article in the Washington Post (Angelic girl-child, put your fingers in your ears.) entitled, that is the title of the article is..."Amazing (note: "amazing") Details from the Drunken Moscow Bender that Got an Air Force General Fired."))) :)  Now the vis:

Maj Gen Carey stated that he only had about half a dozen shots of 8 ounces and sipped on some toasts and finished his glass on others. He also stated that he didn't remember the particulars of any of his toasts other than them being about camaraderie. (Ex 15:52-53) When asked if he was intoxicated when he left the banquet he declined to answer.

That is from the "Official Report" (as quoted in the article aforementioned beginning with "amazing."). We experienced laborers in the fields of justice observe that the above is the statement of the accused. It was intended by the accused to be beneficial to him. We do not observe that. We not-infrequent dabblers in the Bacchanalic Arts are amazed indeed. We are amazed firstly, that is in the first part, to learn that "shots" (of alcohol) come in the 8 ounce size. That is sui generis, a matter
of first impression, for us, for we dabblers, who are used to a "shot" being 1 oz. Maybe dos. Not eight. For Godssake. Secondly, we are amazed that Uncle Mikey had "a half dozen" ("about"("only")) of these ICBM sized "shots."  Yes, yes, yes, we see the part about "sipping" on more and finishing others, yes, yes, yes, we see that. We find--Honey! Could you put on "Rudolph" again for Angelic girl-child--Mikey's memory lapse on the "particulars" of his toasts to be credible.

Mikey's imbibing produced predictable behavior. Another vis:

 -"one witness was concerned that Maj Gen Carey needed assistance standing." 

We find that witness's account to be credible.

-"Maj Gen Carey consumed alcoholic beverages to the extent that it impacted his conduct during briefings, during the banquets, during the tour of the monastery, and on the walk to Red Square for dinner."

-"Ms. [REDACTED] states that Maj Gen Carey was visibly agitated about the long delay at Zurich, he appeared drunk and, in the public area, talked loudly about the importance of his position as commander of the only operational nuclear force in the world and that he saves the world from war every day."

Apparently--Honey! "Deck the Halls"--there were some womenz involved.

-Lt Col [REDACTED] also recalled the two women's arrival and that Maj Gen Carey got up went to the table with the two women, "then two young ladies came in and said hello to everybody at the table... which surprised me. And then the General and the translator went over and sat with them." (Ex 16:20)

And some...dancing:

-"Mr. [REDACTED] recalled Maj Gen Carey dancing with one of the women at La Cantina, "Yeah, I, I think he might have danced with one of them, um, yes, yeah, I think they did dance one time. It, it was a fast dance, I think, as far as I can remember."

I do not dance fast. I only dance I will not have aspersions cast on my character like that.

And hewantedtoplaywiththeband:

-"While at La Cantina, witnesses stated that Maj Gen Carey had alcohol and kept trying to get the band to let him play with them. (Ex 16:20, Ex 17:25, Ex 21:26) According to Mr. [REDACTED], the band did not allow Maj Gen Carey to play with them."

Probably wise by the band.


Okay, Angelic girl-child, get on daddy's back and I'll give you a giddy-up to bed. "Off we go..."