"only good to come of it is that arsenal can drop the idea that this squad can compete in three competitions and actually win anything without bringing in reinforcements.the team looked totallly winded and MC who also had CL match this week were not winded because sheik actually has purchased a deep deeep team, while our wal mart heir republican cocksucker stan kroenke still wont let arsenal spend to keep up, though Ozil was a great signing."
2013 has been the year of the fun email: Dr. Mo, Dr. Ruth, and now this.
Many years ago, shortly after I started writing on Manchester City, I got an email from a sportswriter in England. He covered Arsenal. He was an elegant writer and we have exchanged emails, infrequently, since. As we became familiar our writing became more...informal. We became casual, we frequently were non-observant of the grammatical rules of the Queen's English, occasionally we were profane. Never, as far as I could tell, however, did we write while drunk. That is the only explanation I can think of for this hilarious, non-capitalized-run-on-sentence-pour-your-agony-out-profane communication. Ladies and gentlemen, the email of the year.