Tuesday, April 01, 2014


Hey, know what the demonym is for the homos in Malaysia? Know what a demonym is? I didn't (neither of them). A demonym is the name for the people who live in a certain area, so, America/Americans, Malaysia/Malaise. Like that. I thought the people of Malaysia were called Malaysians. I am glad to have this correction.

Hey, I have another question: From what I can tell, that is, from what CCC tells me CNN says, the consensus is that the plight of MH370 is down to deliberate human agency. Has Official Malaysia been investigated as a suspect in this whole thing? I mean, this is the first time in the history of homos that a goddamned commercial jet liner full of passengers has disappeared off the face of the earth. I keep telling Carmen the biggest mystery here is not what happened, it's who. Those poor souls on board MH370 are really, most sincerely dead. In a bottom line world, that is the bottom line. "They were murdered" is the answer to the "what" question. Who? T'weren't one of the usual terrorist group suspects.  T'weren't the pilots that there is evidence on. Nor the passengers. If we rule out those homos but still really, most sincerely believe that some homos committed murder most foul, then what about the Official Malaise homos?

If any individual suspect made the contradictory statements that Official Malaysia has made that poor sumbitch would be locked up right now. The plane "went silent." "Land search! The jungles of Vietnam, Thailand!" Then...Or did it turn back, right before or right after it went silent?  Then, "Oh! Our military detected a shadow. And our military doesn't really talk to civilian aviation. It turned left! Go West, young man! It's in the Indian Ocean!" Then, it went south; first, really far south, then not so much south. "Debris! We have debris! Mush! Search!" Malaise, when were those frigging pictures taken showing debris? "Umm, three days ago." They weren't processed immediately, it took a while to get them back from the drug store.

All that crap, and that is what it has turned out to be so far, crap, came from Official Malaysia. To this point, all that crap has been fodder only for charges of incompetence. But there is more; incompetence has always been admixed here with "deliberate human agency." From the earliest days, other countries, most vigorously China, have chastised Official Malaysia for a lack of cooperation. Now, China has given up; they have no confidence in anything coming out of Kuala Lumpur and want the Malaise to send them all the raw data so that they can look at it themselves.

They refused the help of the FBI.

Those black boxes are on the clock now. They've got a week or so of normally expected life left. The U.S. Navy has got this huge underwater thing, I think its sonar, that can sweep the ocean floor accurately and as quickly as possible to find the black boxes. "Why haven't you sent it on the search?" some U.S. Navy guy was asked. "We haven't been asked."

You start with a death. You add deliberate human agency. Your product is murder. You add the usual suspects. You investigate them. No luck? Subtract the usual suspects. Add unusual suspects. Add: "changed his story" (If you are ever accused of a murder and a cop writes in his report that you "changed your story," consider that a bad sign.). Add: "lack of cooperation" (If you are ever accused of a murder and a cop writes in his report "subject not cooperative"...). Add: "incompetence." Now, tilt your head, look at it from a different angle. Does incompetence look like disinformation now?

If you do that math now, you don't have Official Malaysia in the dock. But have you done it? Have you investigated Official Malaysia and cleared them? Or have you not investigated them? That's my question.