Monday, August 25, 2014


I bet that post is the longest thing written here in years. Look at that thing! Is it any good? "It's what I wanted to say in the way I wanted to say it." That's what Tolstoy said about War and Peace. It's not that long. I didn't spend 12 hours writing that either, like one or two of the China posts back in the day. But I don't remember now how long it took, I can't remember when I started it. It was at Carmen's. Saturday. I didn't work on it all day Saturday. We watched a movie, yada yada. I remember driving on the way home thinking of two things I wanted to add. That was mid-Sunday afternoon. I touched it up Monday night and a wee bit just now. I don't remember when the heck I started it though. It's all hazy now. I'm tired. Good night.