Sunday, August 31, 2014

Uncommon posts and countries of readers have made the TOP X now, today, this week and the month just ended:

Outliers now:
New Zealand, 2.
Poland, 2.

Poland is 6th.
Switzerland is 7th.
Paraguay is 9th.

This week:
Poland is 4th.
Switzerland is 9th.
Thailand is 10th.
"SAO Barquin Shooting Close-Out Memo," June 25, 2009 is second among posts read.
"Happy New Year," Jan. 1, 2012 is seventh.

This month:
Poland, 6th.
Slovenia, 7th.
South Korea, 8th.
Turkey, 10th.
"SAO Barquin...", 4th.
"Is Barack Obama Clinically Depressed?", Aug. 24, 2013, 6th.
"On Gilded Pond," Aug. 12, 2014, 8th.
"Police Shootings," August 20, 2014, 10th.

3,197 total pageviews in August. About 100/per day has been the norm the last 3-4 months.