Friday, February 20, 2015

"Mornings on Horseback."

David McCullough lost his way on this one somehow. It's half a biography. Not even: seventeen years, TR from ages 10-27. Written in 1981. It's like McCullough got interrupted or lost interest, which is what I have done. It is not that interesting. I know more about TR's dad, the Roosevelt family. The Roosevelt family does not seem to me to be one that would appeal to McCullough: too wealthy, too privileged, insular, almost incestuous; "privileged" illnesses like asthma. I didn't think people like that, Gilders, appealed to McCullough. He wasn't interested in writing a biography of FDR; wrote one of Truman instead. The Roosevelt family doesn't appeal to me. I don't like this book. Don't get why McCullough wrote it.