Monday, July 06, 2015

Hate is TOO a Family Value.

To a significant extent we are defined by our friends, those with whom we choose to associate, and by our enemies, those who we choose to exclude. We must choose rationally.

We must hate. We are human, emotion is half of what we are, hate is a powerful emotion, this world is made of and by people who hate and who love and each of us individually must choose which people to love and which to hate. Our choices define us. We must choose rationally.

Donald Trump is a human being ergo he loves and he hates. Trump has chosen to exclude from those with whom he associates, illegal immigrants from Mexico. He hates them. I did not know that Donald Trump was so ignorant and made his choice of whom to hate so irrationally. Many other people were in the dark about Trump's ignorant hate and have chosen to disassociate themselves from him.

Since Trump is human he also loves and he has chosen as the people with whom he wishes to associate, Republicans. Republicans are Donald Trump's friends. Trump's choice of his friends is more rational than is his choice of enemies for the Republican party has more haters in it than does the Democratic party, it has more ignorance, more irrationality and in fact these are Donald Trump's friends: He stands at or near the top of Republican presidential preference polls. I know that. I know that and yet I am still surprised that more Republican presidential candidates have not disassociated themselves from Trump and done so instinctively and conclusively. Shows my ignorance.