Sunday, July 19, 2015

Islam as it is practiced and preached today.

And here is surrah 3:151, the specific scriptural basis cited by Osama bin Laden in his instructions to the 9/11/01 attackers:

"We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers."

I entirely agree with those who say that surrah 3:151 alone is insufficient scriptural support for the 9/11/01 attacks. However, what Official America, starting with Bush43 and now with Obama, cannot get through their thick skulls, is that there are two separate but closely related things going on here. First, there is the literal Koran, the whole Koran, not cherry-picked passages. There is violence aplenty in the Koran to provide supportive context for bin Laden's interpretation of 3:151 but I, Benjamin Harris, do not buy it. I think bin Laden cherry-picked that surrah and twisted it to his own ends.

However the second thing that is going on here is NEWS FLASH! Benjamin Harris'--and Dubya's and Obama's--interpretations of the fucking Koran and surah 3:151 DON'T MEAN SQUAT! I don't teach the fucking Koran, Obama doesn't teach the Koran, Dubya didn't teach the Koran. Osama bin Laden taught the Koran, Sayyid Qutb taught the Koran, the fucking Wahhabi clerics in Saudi Arabia teach the Koran. You got Osama-fucking-bin Laden interpreting 3:151 to justify 9/11/01, Obama and Dubya and I cannot file a fucking amicus curiae brief with some mullah challenging OBL's interpretation! OBL's interpretation was accepted and what he preached was put into practice.

You understand that, Obama, then why do you say every chance you get, "Islam is not a violent religion?" You don't teach the Koran and those who do teach something very different. They are the preachers who matter, not you, and too, too many of Islam's followers believe what they are taught and act on it. You understand that, Obama, you do not have a thick head, you just have it buried in the sand.