Sunday, July 05, 2015

I spend a fair amount of time on this blog interpreting photographs, body language is universal and fascinating to moi and there is some powerful communication via body language in the photo above. I do not mind telling you, dear pageviewers, that I had a dickens of a time understanding the patois of this Homo Sapiens. My best guess was that there was some experiment on a bird in an airpump which went tragically awry. I theorized that peut etre this individual inelegantly stumbled while attempting to catch the ball. My theory was not close to mastering the case as the Los Angeles Times humbled my skeels with the following explanation:

"Dodgers shortstop Enrique Hernandez makes an unsuccesful attempt to flip the ball to second base for a force out against the Mets."

I must adopt a willing suspension of disbelief in accepting that explanation since that seems inconsistent with the evidence before my eyes and if true is among the least plausible attempts to effectuate the proferred pupose in the history of baseball.

Initially, although it appears on La-La Ti's sports page I could not find that evocative image on my telephone in a format that would allow me to reprint it as accompaniment to this blog post so I repaired to my computer to locate it and preserve it for posterior. I googled "enrique hernandez dodgers" and was successful in my attempt and also discovered this other image of Enrique practicing his profession:

Interpreting these two images together I conclude tentatively that Enrique has problems with his balls.