Friday, February 26, 2016

"I Speak for the Morons!": America's "Moron Vote" Commentary Part II

Isn't that bizarre? After calling Trump's supporters morons four times in the first half he then says in his transition sentence "let me speak on behalf of Donald Trump, or at least Donald Trump’s supporters." And James stands with the morons on the things about Trump's campaign that appeal to them! So how can he call them morons?

Alright, let's look at the Second Face of Bill in detail.:

These rules were never voted upon, and were never agreed to by most of us. Some of these rules are good and proper, and some of them are useless and counter-productive. I will explain a little better what rules I mean in just a moment, but first my main point. Donald Trump is saying “screw you” to the professionally self-righteous, and he is saying “screw you” to those people who are trying to force him to obey these rules that the nation has never really agreed to, 

[It is singular that the First Face of Bill decries Harry Truman and rejects Trump for mocking people, for being rude and vulgar in public  but the Second Face applauds turns of phrase like "screw you" and later "whiners," and "tough shit" which are "what [Trump's] whole campaign is about.

These "rules" that James approves Trump disobeying are a big thing for James. What are these rules? They are a gentle man and woman's agreement in politics that you shalt not mock, personally insult and be rude and vulgar. They are gentlemen's agreements, nothing more! Nobody must obey them, Trump doesn't, apparently Harry Truman didn't, they are not laws, they don't even get you kicked out of a presidential debate, they're just implicitly agreed to codes of presidential conduct--which the First Face of Bill agrees with and the Second Face does not. ???]

but has been forced to accept by leaders who lacked the courage to stand up to the professionally self-righteous...It is my perception—as it is the perception, I think, of almost all of the Trump supporters—that we are becoming a nation of whiners...

[Mr. Data Based Baseball, could you give us your calculations on that statement, "almost all" of the morons "perceive" that America has become a nation of whiners? Could you give us SOME basis, even if anecdotal, like has a moron told you that? Why do you perceive that, Mr. James?]

The Trump campaign, I think, is telling these people that they don’t make the rules because we’re tired of following their rules, and we’re not going to take it anymore. And I second the motion. The basis of Donald Trump’s campaign is not “conservatism”; it is the principle that you have to stand up for yourself. That’s what his whole campaign is about,

[Source? Even a basis in argument for that proposition? No...But let's think about that: "stand up for yourself."  Olivia Nuzzi says Trump supporters "trust him as a leader who won't allow them to be fucked over."]

I think: you have to stand up for yourself. Our politicians have to stand up for us. 

[Okay, with that, I'll buy that as consistent with Ms. Nuzzi's statement of Trumpets. However, Ms. Nuzzi does not say "almost all" Trumpets perceive America as a "nation of whiners."]

I don’t believe that anyone has ever run a Presidential campaign before based on this principle, and I think that what Donald Trump has done is to demonstrate exactly how powerful this is as an organizing principle for a political campaign. Well, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the proposition that you have to stand up for yourself, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with making that proposition the centerpiece of your campaign. I think it is a completely valid point,

[So far James agrees with Trumpets that America is a nation of whiners, that non-whiners have to stand up for themselves and that we need a Leader who will stand up for us. James is batting a perfect three-for-three in simpatico with Trumpets. Why are Trumpets morons?]

and I think it is high time that somebody did this. Donald Trump tells us that he is going to make America great again. I am not voting for Donald Trump because I don’t believe that he has any idea how to make America great again, nor do I even necessarily believe that America, all things considered, was ever greater than it is now. It doesn’t appeal to me...But it appeals to other people, and I think that I understand why it appeals. The slogan “make America great again” has two parts: (1) It implies that America used to be something that it no longer is, and (2) It argues that the responsibility of the President is to stand up for America, and not to worry about what the Europeans or the Mexicans or the United Nations delegates think about this. Trump is implicitly saying that we have lost touch with certain values that used to characterize America, and I think that that is absolutely true...We have lost touch with the virtue of toughness. We despise toughness, not as individuals but as a collective, and we sympathize with whiners when we should ignore them. The consequences of this are becoming visible, and they will become more visible until we realize that toughness is a real thing, a real virtue, and that we need more of it. And I believe that it is true that the responsibility of our elected officials is to stand up for America, and I believe that we have had many failings in this regard...I’m not saying “screw the Europeans” or “to hell with Asia”; what I am saying is that the United States President needs to do what is best for America, without any concern whatsoever for what the Europeans or the Asians or the Mexicans think. I believe in the old phrase “Tough Shit”...You don’t like Guantanamo? Tough Shit. The rest of the world doesn’t approve of Water Boarding? Tough Shit.

[Here is a direct contradiction between the First Face of Bill and the Second Face of Bill. #3 in James' Five Theses Against Trump in the First Face is Trump is a dangerous "hard-ass." 

"Stand up for America," check, James and Trumpets are in agreement; "toughness," check. And, one of the Trumpets who responded to Ms. Nuzzi said "we love Trump for the tough sob he is." James is down with saying "without any concern whatsoever" for what the whiners and the rest of the world think, "tough shit." So...why are they morons again? Okay, whatever on that. 

What about the substance? Pause: Bill, transition; style to substance, transition. Warrants a paragraph. Unpause. Let's adopt the posture James/Trumpets advance, that we are a nation of whiners and we need to stand up and get tough and ignore those who disagree with us. That is not democratic. That is advancing strong man rule. You cannot ignore the 50%-70% (by James' own estimate) of America that are whiners! They have stood up too (and whined) they have representatives in Congress who stand up and whine, they are on the Supreme Court, and no matter how big you feel when you stand up and get tough in a democracy you're not the only voice that counts, you have to get stand-up-and-get-tough laws passed by Congress, you have to make sure those laws are constitutional or the Supremes will cut you down to size and tell you to shut up and sit down. The United Nations is sort of democratic. The "Europeans" and "Asians" and "Mexicans" have voices at the UN too. You can't "ignore" them. So I think the Second Face of Bill and the Trumpets are morons.

What has Mexico done to deserve this abuse? Trump may as well have picked Finland. Until Trump brought this up, where was Mexico on our list of Americans' foreign policy concerns? America is, virtually and maybe literally, THE ONLY NATION ON EARTH WITH FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS ON BOTH ITS VAST BORDERS, NORTH AND SOUTH. Trump wants to build a Wall on the Mexican border. MORONIC. Why should we ignore Europeans "without any concern whatsoever for what they think?" What are they "whining" about? How have Europeans screwed us? "Asians:" That's broader than Chinese! Japanese, Koreans, what are the substantive complaints James and the Trumpets have about them? Pause: Is it not surpassingly weird that James never mentions Muslims? Never mentions the Middle East, Israel? Yes. Unpause. Or! Is posture everything. It doesn't matter the substance, it doesn't matter the target of "Tough Shit," whoever Trump says as long as Trump says "Tough Shit" we're down with. That is pretty close to what Olivia Nuzzi says. The Trumpets don't care for Trump's substance, they're all in on the "tough sob" posture. 

Enough. Since they don't care about substance, since they don't care about their targets, since all they want is a tough sob I will randomly choose as my target, eenie meenie minie moe, Bill and the Trumpets, and I will say to them, FUCK YOU!]

That, I think, is what Donald Trump is saying,

[I'm saying that too.] 

mixed in with a lot of lies and half-truths and stupid self-promotion,

[Oh, right, you don't like Trump's self-promotion. You also said he was "insincere." About what?]

but that’s the kernel of it.

["Tough Shit;" Tough Shit is the "kernel" of "what Donald Trump is saying;" "FUCK YOU"  is the kernel of what I'm saying to Bill James and the Trumpets, does "FUCK YOU" work for you? No? Tough Shit.]

I’ll vote for anybody that you put up against him, but neither do I believe that everything he says is untrue or is without merit. He’s on to something.

[Bill James: you're ON something. You're a fucking MORON. You've taken too many fastballs to the head and you're SCHIZOPHRENIC.]

Hopefully somebody who isn’t The Donald will be smart enough to pick up on it.