Saturday, August 06, 2016

To: Hillary Clinton Campaign.
From: Benjamin Harris
Subject: Look

Look, didn't I tell you you have to provoke Clownstickanov? Hound him. Hunt him. Stalk him. Then why have we gone a couple of days without a Trump Eruption? Mr. Khan really got to Trump. Obviously. He spoke directly to Trump. Called him out. On points where Trump was vulnerable, more importantly on points where Trump knew he was vulnerable. And Trump wouldn't let go. Couldn't let go. Mr. Khan tied a tin can to Trump's tail. Trump couldn't shake it no matter how hard he ran. And the point is once you fasten the proper tin can to Trump's tail he will make it rattle and bang all the louder by running. And he can't help the running! That is what Trump does. So he runs and the tin can bangs louder and louder.

You gave Trump a chance to slow down. The tin can isn't banging loud anymore. Last night, he endorsed Ryan in a prepared speech that he either read from a text or on a telemprompter because there were actual full sentences, not half or quarter sentences, I swear the guy is on speed. He kicked no crying babies out!

There are a few other issues that I know of that Clownstickanov is vulnerable on, that can be tin cans tied to his tail. The first is his wife Melanoma. That one post, "Disco Donald," I wrote on their "lifestyle" has gotten 407 hits this week. That is the issue that set Trump off on Ted Cruz! Mother-fucker went batshit. You need to "encourage" Trump to go batshit.

The other, Clownstckanov is Russia. You tie that tin can to his tail, hey, it's already tied to his tail, you just have to make Trump run now. This is the most explosive, damaging, damning issue I have ever seen in American politics. The ex-CIA director has said Trump is an "unwitting agent" of Putin! In EVERY speech that Mrs. Clinton or her surrogates give, Trump must be tied to Russia. YOU GOT HIM. That tin can is already fastened permanently to him. NOW, MAKE HIM RUN!

He hammers Mrs. Hillary on running a non-secure email while she was secretary of state. My God, Michael Morell wrote Trump has already endangered national security! This is a boomerang argument for you. He hits Clinton on the security issues of the emails, you can throw that issue right back at him even harder! It inoculates her on that issue.

"Unwitting": Not only is Trump an "agent" of Russia, he is an "unwitting" agent. You know Trump is a moron, I know Trump is a moron, everybody but his moronic supporters knows he is a moron. But you can still be a moron and have "street smarts." You can be wily; you can't be fooled. That is part of the attraction of Trump to the morons. "He's dumb like us but he can't be fooled! Look at his business success! You don't get to be a billionaire being a fool!" Right? "Unwitting" means Trump is not only stupid he has been fooled, he has been played. Ted Cruz said to the morons, "Donald Trump is fooling you." He is! Now you have the proof that Trump has been fooled by Putin. You have to do what Morell said Putin did with Trump: exploit Trump's "vulnerabilities."

Unwitting also raises the issue of Trump's mental health. Sally Bradshaw said he was "narcissistic," a mental illness. Peggy Noonan used the word "insane." The man needs to be evaluated.

Taxes: "I hope you find her 30,000 emails!" Trump telegraphed to his Russian handlers. What is she hiding? Donald, there you go again. If I could release the emails, I would. The State Department will not allow me. But you, Donald, could release your tax returns. BUT YOU WON'T! What are you hiding, Donald?"

My God folks, there are so many tin cans tied to the man's tail...All you gotta do is make him RUN!