Thursday, November 08, 2018

City is in hot water again with UEFA Financial Fair Play rules and with Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, the latter for tax evasion. The result of a series this week in Der Spiegel. A cursory look by moi indicates City is playing a shell game. Her Majesty's IRS promises to be "relentless in pursuing" City. If as appears City violated FFP and cheated HMRC both are wrong and City will deserve whatever punishment it gets. There is no escaping HMRC but City have had it up to here with UEFA and do not be surprised if City and ten or more other of the top European clubs simply break away from UEFA and start their own European Super League. It has been reported that an agreement to do just that was signed by ten or eleven of the top clubs.

City Football Group wanted to sic their lawyers on UEFA the first time this happened a few years ago and appeal to the European Court. CFG wanted to sue the hell out of UEFA and bankrupt them through litigation costs. I think CFG would have won those suits since I believe FFP is an illegal restraint of trade and was instituted as a transparent anti-City, anti-PSG measure. I think they would have won. I think UEFA thought CFG would win or bankrupt UEFA trying and so UEFA started whispering sweet somethings at City ownership and City reluctantly wrote them a check.

City's fans cannot stand UEFA. They boo the UEFA anthem every time it's played at Etihad stadium. UEFA threatened to fine the club for the booing! City's fans have treated UCL matches with a brown out. Some fans stay away. Others attend and boo.

So CFG and City fans are about done with UEFA. CFG might not sue UEFA this time. They might just walk. And ten or more of the top European clubs with them. In which case the Champions League will be dead, there will be two Europa Leagues. Young Boys will be happy.

Be careful UEFA if you know what is good for you. And City, be careful with HMRC. There's nothing certain in life but death and taxes.

Good night.