Thursday, November 08, 2018

Thousand Oaks Massacre

Look at that. A one sentence mention of a mass shooting and nine minutes later I'm done and moving on to a fun subject.

It's true, I'm inured to it. It keeps happening, nothing getting done keeps happening, it's not "news" anymore. When I posted the massacre was still an SOS Alert on Google's homepage it was so recent. Details were vague.

Who? Who was not reported at the time of my post. I checked back a couple of hours later and saw an L.A. Times headline that the murderer was "heavily tattooed." There was nothing to distinguish this massacre from any other.

Why? Why? You mean like motive? Yes. As if. We still don't know the murderer's motive for the Las Vegas massacre and that's been a year. Tonight the authorities are speculating that this murderer maybe had PTSD from Afghanistan; he was a Marine. Did they settle on a motive for the Orlando nightclub massacre? I don't remember. I remember at the time being unconvinced that the motive was Muslim hatred of gay people. Because I thought that asshole might have been gay himself. How about Parkland? Yes. That asshole had been kicked out of the school...Did I ever tell you that I saw that guy in jail? I went to see a client of mine, was meeting with him and then noticed some tense people, official people in the visiting area. A little while later one of the tense people told me I couldn't leave. Alright. Extended my meeting with my client. He is such a great guy I didn't mind. Then they told me I had to leave. Alright. See ya, man. Out at the visitor's check-in booth there were a lot of tense people. One of them was his public defender. Cops. See, I don't even remember that guy's name anymore.

See! I just did it again, got off subject.

Pittsburgh they had a motive.

Did I miss anymore massacres?  Recent ones.

PTSD, huh? Whatever, man. Does it matter? No. Well, if we knew the motive maybe we'd be able to prevent massacres from happening! Oh, just stop. You're going to prevent PTSD? Prevent Muslim gay hate or gay Muslim self-hate? Prevent kicked out, pissed off students? Prevent neo-Nazism? Mental illness? Put down your crack pipe. We know how to prevent mass shootings: gun control. We can't prevent PTSD or mental illness or hate but we can prevent mass murder with firearms. We just don't care.