Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump Epidemic April 10, 8:36 p.m.: IHME accurate?

IHME accurate? No.

Twenty-four hours to the minuto from yesterday:

496,535: Total number of Trump Virus cases.

34,098:  New cases of Trump Virus today. New Record! Congrats Trumpie!
18,586: Total number of people Killed by Trump.
2,116:  Total number of people Killed by Trump today.
1,983: Number of people Killed by Trump today predicted by IHME. Jeezus IHME, you only had to predict ONE DAY and you were off by 6.3% and 133 corpses. This does not speak well, IHME,...Oh! Now the peak is TOMORROW! You changed, IHME. Anyway, if you're off 6.3% in ONE DAY, what business do you have predicting the the total deaths by August 4, OVER THREE MONTHS from now? I'm very disappointed in you IHME. Did you go to modeling school at Trump University just curious.

3.74%:  Trump Kill efficiency. Also higher. Oh, Trumpie's getting GOOD!

1: Country Killed by Trump.

1: Democracy Dying of Trump.

28,790:  People Recovered from Trump Virus.

1.55-1:  Recovery-to-kill rate. A little peepy two one-hundredths better than last night at exactly this time.