Thursday, June 11, 2020

Donald Trump to restart election rallies on key slavery date

It’s just unbelievable how this guy keeps stepping on his own dick. He’s lost his political nous.

This klan rally will be held on Juneteenth (19th), the date that African-Americans, descendants of slaves, celebrate the end of slavery.

This klan rally on Juneteenth will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of one of the worst massacres of African-Americans in U.S. history, May 31-June 1, 1921.

Tell me readers, you are a fair-minded people, have you read anything where Oklahoma is suddenly a toss-up state which Trump is seeking to shore up? Or is it a state of the deepest blood red? Do you think this is just unfortunate happenstance by a dotard? There is no racial “dog whistling” going on in the choice of date and venue, is there? (I feel a Lincoln Project ad comingπŸ˜‚)