Sunday, June 21, 2020

In the history of Trump Virus, the 408 days since March 4, there have been only nine days with a greater number of new cases, 31,963, than yesterday, June 20.

Deaths continue to be low, yesterday there were a comparatively few 550, and the trend line has been relentlessly lower since May 6.

Those graphs from Wikipedia look so similar, correlative. They should not line up anywhere near exactly because of interval between infection and death. So, if you, not overlaid them, but shifted the Deaths graph to the right a little there should be some, however rough, alignment...Oh, see, I get started on this again and I can't stop. Now, I'm going to print them out and compare. Fuck...

So fun to waste ten minutes and five pages of printer paper trying to print out just one of the graphs, soo glad i did that.