Friday, June 12, 2020

The Coming Trump Coup

“Bringing in active-duty members to the streets was a test to desensitize people to his future use of the military for his personal benefit. I think the silent majority among us is going to swing away.”

Whoa! That is from Erin Fangmann, wife of an Air Force sergeant, life-long Republican, 2016 Trump voter. I had never thought of it that way! It is of course NOT official position, just one woman's opinion, but it makes total sense. It was a test, preparation for a Trump coup d'etat. Trump is preparing the American people, preparing the military, and preparing the troops.

How was a lone student able to stop an entire tank column at Tienanmen Square? Because the Beijing garrison of the PLA was unwilling to make him road kill! The Beijing troops had not been "desensitized," you see. Zhongnanhai had to call in units from the countryside to "clear the square."

Trump is not going to give up power.

If he cannot steal the election again he will stay in his bunker, behind his wall, protected by a Praetorian Guard of Secret Service and loyal military. This was a test of preparedness for his coup.