Friday, June 12, 2020

The Elegant Symmetry of Death

Mathematics is the language of God, someone once said. The Cook-Wolfram Rule 110 cellular automation starts from the simplest original position yet results in such complexity that it becomes Turing complete, that is, capable of universal computation. A frisson of wonder also results.

The Washington Post's bar graph of daily deaths during the Trump Epidemic produces the same wonder in numerical complexity reduced to similar, simple, repeating patterns.

The current configuration of the bars is yet incomplete; yet we can still see what may come in June 2-4's configuration and in May 12-14's. Most obvious at a glance is the pattern to the empty spaces,--a pattern in nothing--the deep ravines between the purple mountains. There is periodicity of two or three days. That of May 24-26 appears what God intended the others to be for it is His one perfect template, a jigsaw puzzle piece. The others are abortions yet in June 7-8, May 31-June 1, May 16-18, and May 10-11, which is visually identical to its smaller twin on June 7-8, we see His intent:

There is periodicity and visual similarity in the spires tops, too: a two-spire configuration on April 14-15, April 21-22, April 28-29, and May 5-6. A second pattern then emerges, periodicity three days, visual configuration like a turret. This pattern first appears May 12-14 and repeats June 2-4 nearly identically on smaller scale, and then currently, June 9-11. After the spires and before the ravine there is a four-step terrace down April 30-May 3, a three-step terrace May 7-9, two-steps May 15-16 after the new turret, three steps May 21-23, three May 28-30, two June 5-6 after repetition of the turret. We see in these purple spires and white voids visually simple patterns of the end result on the human being of one new replicating biological automation which our minds have yet an incomplete understanding.

In Rule 110 we see in the simplest of man’s trifles an uncomprehended complexity and revelation of God as Creator. In Trump Virus we see in the simplest of God’s rules utter complexity and His words, I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.