Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The Trump Death June 2 Complete

Wail. Let's post the numbers and then make judgments on them but as preview, with one exception, they're bad. First Hopkins. The all-important five-day Cases line is the one good stat today.
The dog's tail is clearly down, the entire jigging-jagging line since the beginning of April is down.

Similar graph from WaPo with a seven-day line, though:

The "table" of the last six days seven-day line has an up bulge in the middle and is clearly tilted slightly up for the six days of seven days. Significant rise in cases today, 19.4k vs 16.3k June 1. WaPo has a 4,100 case increase from day to day. Sheesh. a lazy, carefree, slow walk downhill since April 25, but that damn table tilt upward recently, NOT GOOD.

Hopkins Cases bar graph:

20.8k cases June 2, 20.8k cases June 1 although June 2's bar is clearly down a smidge from June 1. Impossible for moi to understand that difference between the two site's stats for June 1 and 2. Hopkins has six straight days of 20k+ cases. If you cut off the top of the graph to make a solid wall the wall would begin at 18.3k cases. The entire graph would be flat-topped at 18.3k back to March 28. That's not good, a solid wall 18,300 cases high is decidedly NOT GOOD.


Hopkins of course does not have a Death's graph so we have to estimate. At 9:55 pm June 1 Hopkins counter had 105,167 total Killed by Trump. At the close of June 2:

106,181. That's 1,014 killed in 26 hours. In 24 hours, clearly less than that, almost certainly less than 1,000, which is the cut-off line between good and bad as far as I'm concerned.

WaPo though has it differently. They do provide a bar graph and a superimposed seven-day line.
The seven-day line is clearly, dramatically downhill since April 21 with six suspension bridges over troughs. The seven-day line for the last seven days however has been a slightly down tilted table that has a significant raised lip on the end, the last two days. So that's bad.

WaPo has 1,051 new deaths June 2, more than twice what they have for June 1, and higher than Hopkins has over 26 hours. That's on the bad side of 1,000 and maybe, or maybe not, Hopkins last 24 count is really at 1,000+ too.

5.79% Trump's Kill rate. Remarkable and wonderful that that Kill rate continues to fall.