Monday, August 24, 2020

Grand Old Perverts

It now becomes our disagreeable duty to inform viewpagers that Jerry Falwell, Jr. is a wittol. It now becomes our disagreeable duty to inform what a wittol be. A wittol is a Republican. Like cuckolds are Republicans. Closeted bi-sexual men. Men who like boys. A Wittol Republican likes to watch while a real man fucks his wife. That’s Jerry, Jr.’s kink. JJ got Pool Boy hunk Giancarlo Granda

to fuck his wife Becki, nee Tilley, seen here with both Falwells “personal trainer”,

while he, the Liberty “Flame”, watched from a corner.

Pool Boy even met Bunker Boy!

And Wittol Boy endorsed Bunker Boy for IMPOTUS!

And used Michael Cohen to fix Pool Boy’s lawsuit against him, Wittol Boy, and to “disappear” some x-rated pics of the threesomes! On the Right, politics is sex by other means.