Tuesday, August 18, 2020


When I open Johns Hopkins' coronavirus dashboard I immediately click on the U.S. data on the left side. I don't pay attention to the world stats. When I opened the dashboard just now and clicked on the U.S. however an image lingered for a split second of global Deaths. I thought I saw a round number. I couldn't go back to it however and had to reopen the dashboard in a new window. Sure enough, a round 775,000 human beings have now been killed by COVID-19. There have been a total of almost 22M infections.

In the U.S. 170,526 have been Killed by Donald Trump with the eponymous Trump Virus. Fittingly the U.S. city with a population closest to, while being exceeded by, the number of Dead is Corona, California.

5.446M Americans have been infected by Trump. The number of those sickened is far in excess of the entire population of Los Angeles. Only New York City, among U.S. metropolitan areas, has a population larger than the number of those who have been or who are infected.